Highlight and cut your own hair

>> Friday, January 30, 2009

How to cut your own hair

Ok this might not be a tip for everyone to use! But I cut my own hair and I also highlight it myself. I have been to have my hair cut professionally only twice in the last fifteen years at least!

I am not just saying this really, you must believe me but my hair looks great! People compliment me all the time on it. Again this is not for everyone, but think of all the money I have saved! So how do I do it? Well I can get away with it because my hair is thick and shoulder length, I part it in the back and cut it on each side. Because my hair has a wave to it, I can get away with it being crooked sometimes. There are books on this that explain it better. And if you can get a friend to do it, all the better. Now if you don't want to go that route, look up beauty schools in your area. You can get great deals there from students who are learning. Don't freak out just yet, they have to have some skills before they let them cut your hair!


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