
>> Friday, February 20, 2009

I have made some progress orgazining. Yeah for me today! It really feels good. I watched OPRAH yesterday and she had a show on about clutter again. Not really any new information, but it's fun to see the before and after. Besides that, you can tell that the people feel happier when their house is clean. After all who wants to come home and take care of a lot of junk everyday?

It is stressful to look at, knowing that you have to go through and clean it. Each time you start and fail again I think it makes a person more stressed.

I like the advice of two trash bags everyday in 10 minutes. One to throw out and one to give away. Seems like a great way to tackle it for the busy person!

OPRAH and the container store are offering a 20% coupon till March 1, 2009, click here or visit OPRAH's website for more info.


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